Sunday, 12 June 2011

When 'Good Enough' Is No Longer Enough

I met with Jin with Tako today at The Famous Lamb. She actually came across my blog while searching for opportunities in Singapore and Hong Kong. And between me and Tako, we kind of represent Singapore and Hong Kong. Life works in a way that you can't really decipher, nor can you fully understand.

Basically, we talked about our motivations to leave our own country amongst other things. For me, part of it was circumstantial, the other part comes from always wanting to be here. Tako just wanted something different from HK. And Jin, while everything seem good enough but somewhat it's not enough anymore.

Thus the title for this post.

Very often in life, we kind of settle for 'good', and tell ourselves that's enough and we shouldn't be greedy. And in doing so, we will forget what we really want to do, say when we were 6, 12, 16, 18 and 21. These are random numbers but think about what you said when people asked you "What do you want to be when you grow up" at those ages. What were your answers? How far away from your initial answer are you now?

There are some who will read this and will probably go, "Wake up, Audrey, stop dreaming, especially when you are already 30."

To these people, I would like to prescribe some sleeping pills and if possible a dream that reminds them of their dreams, hopes, ambitions, visions, etc. One doesn't or should I say, SHOULDN'T STOP dreaming or aiming higher. It is what gives us motivation to carry on. If not, we are just living life one day at a time.

Actually, 30 is a turning point in everyone's life. You are done with teenage, early adult-hood and this is when you take a serious look at your life.

And in return, I'm going to ask the same people who asked me to stop dreaming, "When was the last time you did something that makes your heart beat faster? Or put a smile on your face?" While Tako and I might not have a lot of money in our pockets, but we do enjoy a laugh a day. Or more.

Will laughing give me money you might ask? When was the last time you laugh when you were paid?
